
Okay, up to now those little creatures that my 5yo & 9yo are obsessed with drove me bananas! Now my 5yo is using and understanding words like evolution and self-destruct. I keep forgetting THEY HAVE A BRAIN. All those years of science and Pokemon teaches the same thing to my 5yo. I give up! I like Pokemon now - just don't tell the guys. Of, course, this group is the only place I can tell this as all the schoolies out there will either think I'm whacked or why don't I do a 6month unit study on evolution. Well, I can't very well do that now because the "scientist" have shed their white robes and just left to trek about the woods with their "hunting"
dog and will most likely return with a variety of mud samples, bugs, lizards, and grand stories of their ventures.

It's nice to be out of the cave.
