Debra Bures

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:57:27 -0700
From: "Kim" <sinclai@...>
Subject: Re: Gardening for kids?/sunflowers and squirrels

OH, vicious little dickens aren't they?! I wonder if netting would work? I put netting on all of our fruit trees when they look to be about ripe. I don't know, I haven't had that much of a problem with my sunflowers. Now the bird feeder, that's another story!!! I wonder if you could put a smooth pipe up the stalk, like PVC or something, that's what we do with our young trees. Or, you could try feeding them something else like someone mentioned.
Squirrels around here don't like safflower seeds. Safflower seeds are more expensive than sunflower, but you use less since the squirrels don't do acrobatic feats to get them!

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