Karen & David Hoogland

Hi Nanci...
I can certainly understand your concern about ADHD and meds. One thing I
would ask, about a child diagnosed with ADHD, is HOW was that diagnosis

In many cases, the diagnosis is made too quickly....only by asking the
parents/caretakers questions about the childs behavior.

When we went to have our son diagnosed, it took nearly 3 months. Our
pediatrician first did a complete physical..including blood work and
urinalysis to rule out any PHYSICAL causes for his behavior (which included
hyperactivity and distractability nearly ALL the time in ALL situations).

We were then referred to a counselor who exclusively works with ADHD
kids....she interviewed us and our child....went over all the
forms/questionaires filled out by us and all of Tims' teachers. Her opinion
was he was ADHD...but she wanted to do further testing to determine if there
were any audio and/or visual perception problems, along with aptitude and
achievement testing. Unfortunately, our insurance forced us to see a
psychologist for this testing. (It took us going through 3 of them before
we found one we liked).

The psychologist we worked with had us and all the other adults in his life
fill out forms/questionaires again. Then, he met with Tim and us several
times...just to get to know us. Last, he had our boy take the TOVA test (a
two part computer test which measures the attention of our son...both audio
and visual). Based on ALL the tests, meetings, and forms, and given the
fact we could not find a physical cause (such as epilespy or thyroid
condition), it was determined that Tim is ADHD/gifted.

We did NOT have our school case study evaluate him for ADHD initially.
However, the district did do a full case study evaluation....the outcome was
the same. The only difference was the recommended treatment: the school
wanted him drugged...the rest of the professionals we worked with said NO
(we did meet with the psychologist for many role-playing and behavior
modification sessions.).

I would not shy away from a child with ADHD because he/she is on meds. I
would ask if the child is also in counseling....meds alone is NOT enough.
The child needs to be taught how to cope. Our psychologist is also
ADHD....he was on meds at one time...and now only uses ritalin occasionally.
Not all ADHD'ers need meds, but ALL need counseling.

My dh and I are also considering becoming foster/adoptive parents...I feel
the experience with our son as made us able to be in a position to help
another youngster. Good luck to you!! Let me know if we can be of further
help!! I would also suggest the CHADD website at www.chadd.org ...there
is a wealth of information there regarding ADHD!!


Karen and David Hoogland �
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Andi Kaufman

karen wrote:
>I would not shy away from a child with ADHD because he/she is on meds. I
>would ask if the child is also in counseling....meds alone is NOT enough.
>The child needs to be taught how to cope. Our psychologist is also
>ADHD....he was on meds at one time...and now only uses ritalin occasionally.
>Not all ADHD'ers need meds, but ALL need counseling.

why do they need counseling. are there always undelying problems with it or
is just to help them coipe and learn new behaviors.

>My dh and I are also considering becoming foster/adoptive parents...I feel
>the experience with our son as made us able to be in a position to help
>another youngster. Good luck to you!! Let me know if we can be of further
>help!! I would also suggest the CHADD website at www.chadd.org ...there
>is a wealth of information there regarding ADHD!!


Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
mom to Isaac

Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!