Michele Moss

> From: stephaniecurrier@...
> To: <[email protected]>
> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 16:27:32 -0400
> Reply-to: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] was gifted kids, Now: glad to be average

> I find it hard to believe that anyone is really "average" anyway. =
> Y'know, What IS average, and who says so?
> My problem with "gifted" and other such labels, is simply that all
> kids =
> should be able to access gifted assignments and try them continually
> = -not just those who have had access to them before.
i think everyone is "gifted" in some way, not just intelligence
and is part of what keeps the world of people in balance. i
see a gift as having excess of something that others don't typically
have in the same quantity.
i've seen people who can add numbers incredibly in their heads but
can't balance their own checkbook!
some are gifted with patience beyond belief.
some are gifted with a big heart
some are gifted with drive and persistance that keeps everyone else
around them going and not willing to give up.
some are gifted with incredible energy to get things done.
and so on.

If these sort of gifts were available in a big store to go in and
choose what we want for ourselves or our kids, I would find it
interesting to know what gift everyone would choose.

As for myself, i would choose the gift of "common sense" for me or
anyone i hold dear to me. Because with common sense, any other
"gifts" that are handed to them will fall into place naturally.

Michele Moss
Mom of Sterling Tyler age 3 yrs old
Parents of Spirited Kids Resource Web site:
Parents of Spirited Kids Discussion Group:

[email protected]

In a message dated 08/12/1999 6:55:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
michele@... writes:

<< i think everyone is "gifted" in some way, not just intelligence
and is part of what keeps the world of people in balance. i
see a gift as having excess of something that others don't typically
have in the same quantity.
i've seen people who can add numbers incredibly in their heads but
can't balance their own checkbook!
some are gifted with patience beyond belief.
some are gifted with a big heart
some are gifted with drive and persistance that keeps everyone else
around them going and not willing to give up.
some are gifted with incredible energy to get things done.
and so on. >>


This is so true ... because life goes beyond just school and "intelligence"
doesn't it? And I, personally, find that some of the gifts that you've
mentioned above are far more important to find in people than the "schoolish
gifts" that teachers are always looking for.


[email protected]

In a message dated 08/12/1999 6:55:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
michele@... writes:

<< i think everyone is "gifted" in some way, not just intelligence >>

I should've added to my last post that one of my problems with IS is that
nothing matters in their lives except learning x facts, or getting an x
grade....life is so much more....Schools are so insulated and confining they
can't conceive of any other way to live...like they've been in the dark so
long that when/if they ever see the light, they'll still be blind for awhile.
Why not just live in the light NOW???


[email protected]

>>>If these sort of gifts were available in a big store to go in and
choose what we want for ourselves or our kids, I would find it
interesting to know what gift everyone would choose.

I believe I would chose courage first, then thankfulness. Great question to
think about.


Michele Moss

> From: Sam926@...
> I should've added to my last post that one of my problems with IS is
> that nothing matters in their lives except learning x facts, or
> getting an x grade....life is so much more....Schools are so
> insulated and confining they can't conceive of any other way to
> live...like they've been in the dark so long that when/if they ever
> see the light, they'll still be blind for awhile.
> Why not just live in the light NOW???
> Sam

Michele Moss
Mom of Sterling Tyler age 3 yrs old
Parents of Spirited Kids Resource Web site:
Parents of Spirited Kids Discussion Group:

Michele Moss

> From: Sam926@...
> Michelle,
> This is so true ... because life goes beyond just school and
> "intelligence" doesn't it? And I, personally, find that some of the
> gifts that you've mentioned above are far more important to find in
> people than the "schoolish gifts" that teachers are always looking
> for.
> Sam
Me too. but i figure high intelligence gifts are pretty useless if
the person doesn't know how to use them to give something back to the
world. then what good is it?

Michele Moss
Mom of Sterling Tyler age 3 yrs old
Parents of Spirited Kids Resource Web site:
Parents of Spirited Kids Discussion Group:

Michele Moss

> From: stephaniecurrier@...
> >>>If these sort of gifts were available in a big store to go in and
> choose what we want for ourselves or our kids, I would find it
> interesting to know what gift everyone would choose.
> <<<<
> I believe I would chose courage first,

anymore, it takes A LOT of courage just to walk out our front doors
and face such a judgemental society! but seriously... courage is
so important but rarely thought about - courage to be different,
courage to try again when we fail, courage to speak for what we
believe in, courage to stand up for someone else that might be weaker
than us even at the risk that others may change their opinion about

> then thankfulness.

another great one! how often is that one lost and forgotten!

> question to think about.
yes, you got me thinking about it some more!

> Steph

Michele Moss
Infinity Computer Solutions
Great Falls, MT