frances faber

I agree with your about attitute about learning, I am trusting my instincts
and figuring that my guys are inquisitive human beings that will want to

We are going to be as unstructured as I can possibly let myself be. I am in
Louisiana and have found that the laws are very homeschool friendly here. I
can register as a private school and they leave me alone after that. Yipee!

The law here is that when the boys are 7 years old, they must go to school.I
have a while then. (the law here says that they have to attend school from
7-17 years old)

Since my kids taught themselves the ABC's and are in the process of teaching
themselves to count(can get into the 30's now), I'm not too worried.

I like the thing that Holt says, Fish swim, Birds fly, Man learns.(I think
that's the quote)


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