
Our kids probably watch a lot of movies/TV that other kids their ages don't get to watch.... ER, CSI, action/adventure movies, etc.... I think I do tend to shield them from gratuitous sex moreso than violence, though. With the violence, it is pretty easy to see and understand what is "wrong" or undesirable with it. The kids can identify a "good guy" and a "bad guy." With the sex... it just isn't that cut and dried. We tend to fast forward through anything explicit... I will discuss the relationship between the people with my 9yo... as it relates to our family's beliefs regarding sex as something for a married couple, though.

Basically, if a movie is full of violence for violence's sake, we usually won't want to watch it. It needs to be key to the movie's plot. Same with the sex and/or language. We pretty much discuss anything that raises questions from the kids or that we think needs to be addressed.

Mama to Emily (12/91), Noah (12/95), Halle (10/98), and Joel (9/00)