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I have a friend who thinks maybe our immune systems suffer because we
(children and adults) do not spend enough time in the dirt, playing with
dirt, touching dirt, getting dirty!

Mary Ellen
Maybe if children are allowed to have fun while they're children
they'll know how to have fun when they're adults.


Maybe that is why my kids are generally so healthy.  They play in the dirt a ton.

Angela in Maine.  Unschooling Mom to two beautiful daughters.  "Play is our brain's favorite way to learn." Unknown

I have a friend who thinks maybe our immune systems suffer because we
(children and adults) do not spend enough time in the dirt, playing with
dirt, touching dirt, getting dirty!

Mary Ellen

Tracy Oldfield

I have a friend who thinks maybe our immune systems
suffer because we
(children and adults) do not spend enough time in the
dirt, playing with
dirt, touching dirt, getting dirty!

Mary Ellen
Maybe if children are allowed to have fun while they're
they'll know how to have fun when they're adults.

I'm damn sure that 'clean' kids suffer in this way... I also know
that kids need company (even when I don't feel like giving it, but
that's a different story...)

The mother of one of my sis's friends was a Health Visitor (kind-
of community nurse/social worker for young families, mostly...)
She had some very different neighbourhoods on her 'patch.' One
was very posh, lots of money and space etc. The parents of a
baby in this neighbourhood were worried. The child was eating
enough (well, drinking, still on milk only) but not gaining weight,
not progressing, real 'failure-to-thrive.' This child would want for
nothing material, had the most beautifully decorated nursery, slept
in her cot, etc etc, the parents couldn't understand what was
wrong with her. Also on this HV's round was a gypsy camp.
There was a baby there about the same age, so the HV took the
rich parents to the gypsy camp to see ths other baby. They found
this baby, sat on a pile of thrown-out furniture, mattresses and
stuff. The kid was filthy, squalid, even. But this child was so
healthy! Why? He had people around him, interacting with him,
and he wasn't living in a sterile nursery. The other baby only had
contact with others when she needed feeding or changing, as soon
as the obvious things were done, she was left 'quiet' in the
nursery. Well, the rich people didn't start living like gypsies but
they did see that children need to play, and that muck won't break
them :-)

True story, folks...



even plants need mud to grow!
Life is the ultimate learning experience!