yuli womie

>>>My sister, who arranged to have playground duty
that we could stay through recess, finally told me
that she was very
much in
favor of schooling your children at home, whether you
home or
This is coming from a public school teacher! >>>

I was a public high school teacher for 11 years.
*MANY* teachers approve of homeschooling (and in fact
plan to do it when they have kids) because they are
there in the trenches, they see what's going on, they
know more than anyone wants to know about how most
kids suffer in school.How much time is wasted. How the
beauracracy of it all is nonsensical. How litte
learning goes on. How frustrating it feels to be an
underpaid babysitter of far too many kids at a time.

See, when you decide to become a teacher, you're
usually very idealistic. You want to help youth. You
usually have an altruistic, nurturing spirit. You know
that you'll be the best teacher ever. Then you get
there, and you see the sadness of the
abused/neglected/traumatized kids, you see how the
system doesn't work for any of them, you learn that
life in a public school is like one giant Dilbert
comic. But many stay. Not because they believe in the
system. They stay because they STILL love kids, and
they want to be there for them even though it means
fighting a losing battle. To leave, for them, would
mean giving up on those kids they love. They learn to
come home and cry rather than bang their heads against
the wall in front of the students.

I could talk about this all day, but I already used
far more than my fair share of your attention with my
story about my daughter.

Juli, who has hundreds of public school horror stories
if you're ever in the mood to hear a few.

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Sonia Ulan

Juli signed:

> Juli, who has hundreds of public school horror stories
> if you're ever in the mood to hear a few.

I say, fire away!
It is very inspiring and encouraging to be reminded on a regular basis
why it is we are choosing to home/un-school. For those days when we may
be vulnerable to self-doubt, please share some of your stories


Sonia in Saskatchewan