George Prudden & Barda Allen

Hi, This is so great,I was checking out the Clonlara website and through
that I came across everything else. Well, now for the intro...
We are Barda A. Allen & George A. Prudden, married with 5 kids, Amy-19,
Hubbard-15, Nathaniel-13, David-9 and BJ-6, last names Allen/Prudden. Our
family lives in Helena, MT, in a house that is over 100 yrs old. We have
homeschooled since our oldest was school age. When #1d was a preschooler she
had a brief encounter with a Montessori school- that is an eye-opening story
in itself, we are unschoolers, all 7 of us!
Geo. is a craftsman in many trades. In '99 we spent a year in CA where he
rebuilt my sisters houseboat. He self-taught himself carpentry, electrical
plumbing, ceramic and stone tiling, actually all the construction trades.
Our motto was "If you don't want it done right, don't call".That ad in the
paper brought us lots of repeat customers for years. He also repairs musical
instruments, as he worked for 13 yrs in a music store in Chicago. We have
travelled alot over the years and stayed with friends in the midwest and
they always had a job for Geo. to do. We haven't travelled at all for more
than a year and now he is involved in two bands. The most recent one is
called "The B Sharps" music that moves and inspires with lounge nouveau
style. He has a vision of making music his road to financial freedom and
everytime he gets paid from a job he gives 10% to the church. #1d is
working on her GED this year, she has always resisted any "school" stuff,
but now wants to know it all. She has been working in the cooking field for
over 2 yrs now. Her 1st job was in a deli. Last June she got hired at On
Brdway as a line cook. She also works at a place called The Staggering Ox as
CS. She says she is going to culinary school. #1s is being mentored by Phil
M. who wanted to pass on what he knows about business. Last fall I asked #1s
what he wanted to learn during the school year, his said computers. I
thought our neighbors could be a wealth of information as one uses Mac and
the other windows. However , along came Phil and #1s is on his way to really
mastering more than I could imagine. He is learning how to buy items at
garage/estate sales and sell them on e-bay. Phil also is teaching him the
construction trade and how to shovel large piles of snow! When #1s is at
home he can be found online playing games and talking to friends, through
this his spelling and typing skills are sharpened, as are his computer
skills. He can think for himself and is not swayed by the crowd. #2s
works very part-time at the best coffee place in the USA. This is what he
wanted to do this year. He takes orders, washes cups, gophers to the bank,
the real food store, down the street for buckets of ice, makes italian
sodas, entertains small children so the parents get a break and plays chess
with customers. Oh, yes, he also handles money! He has a desk in the owners
office with a computer and does school work there too. Finally he is
starting to take a real interest in reading. #3s loves to ride his bike
and his razor. He is musically inclined and takes piano lessons from piano
artists when we come across them. He learned to read a couple years ago.
#2d is a tomboy, though she does have dolls which she will play with. She is
interested in reading and math. She is very observing and asks lots of ?'s
Me, my babies are growing and now I concentrate on producing streams of
income. I produce weavings, work 3x's/wk at the Brdwter Athelic Club so we
have a free membership. I'm also in NWM. Check out my website at An exciting and refreshingly different
NWM company, let's retire debt together! Last, but not least, I am a
Nikken Wellness Consultant, helping people to create balance in their lives,
providing them with products for a healthier lifestyle and offering magnetic
Stand in nothingness and you can create anything.
Barda A. Allen