
Hi there! I just joined this list and I am sitting here crying of
joy... I pulled my 12 yr old ds out of ps about a month ago. I have
been doing the usual struggling with curriculum and strategy and the
sort, you all know what I am going through. Well anyway, everytime I
go to "research" teaching styles or "learning" styles I keep coming
back to unschooling. So I finally joined this list to see what it is
all about. I have finally found something that feels "RIGHT!" I
just want to thank you all for giving such wonderful insightful
advice! What a relief to find something that feels good. I now know
that the right thing to do is let kids be kids and the rest will
pretty much take care of itself. (although I will probably throw a
bit of structured math in there just to be safe)
Thank you again! I think I will stick around awhile to keep in this
frame of mind.
Dee in VA

[email protected]

In a message dated 3/24/01 6:52:11 AM, asuwish@... writes:

<< I now know
that the right thing to do is let kids be kids and the rest will
pretty much take care of itself. (although I will probably throw a
bit of structured math in there just to be safe) >>

The sooner you give up that false safety, the happier you and your daughter
will be.

This list is only the sometimes-submerged tip of the iceberg that is so if you really want some inspiration and math ideas, go


[email protected]

In a message dated 3/24/01 6:52:11 AM, asuwish@... writes:

<<  I now know
that the right thing to do is let kids be kids and the rest will
pretty much take care of itself. (although I will probably throw a
bit of structured math in there just to be safe) >>

Good luck with whatever paths you take.


> Hi there! I just joined this list and I am sitting here crying of
> joy... I pulled my 12 yr old ds out of ps about a month ago. I have
> been doing the usual struggling with curriculum and strategy and the
> sort, you all know what I am going through. Well anyway, everytime I
> go to "research" teaching styles or "learning" styles I keep coming
> back to unschooling. So I finally joined this list to see what it is
> all about. I have finally found something that feels "RIGHT!" >

Welcome Dee! Sometimes it takes a while for our head to listen to our
heart. We're really glad you kept searching. We're a friendly list, and
love to talk about unschooling, but we do best if you start us off with
questions. So, please yell if there's something you want to talk about.

I heard on the TV this morning some of you all are still having winter!
Anyone want to share our blooming fruit trees and tulips?


Tracy Oldfield

I heard on the TV this morning some of you all are
still having winter!
Anyone want to share our blooming fruit trees and


Anyone want to share our forecasted sleet for tomorrow???
What happened to Spring??? Although there are plenty of croci
(crocuses?) and daffodils just poking out their heads, some
sunshine would be nice!!!

Tracy (shivering in Yorkshire...)