[email protected]

Valerie, and any others?

I am sometimes in Gig Harbor visiting my mom. Is there any kind of
organized unschooling group in Tacoma? I'd love to join you sometime if
there is!

And while I'm asking, is anyone on this list in the Tri-Cities? I'm
really feeling the need lately for some one on one time with other


Mary Ellen
March is National Nutrition Month
Did you eat your 5 today?
(fruits and vegetables, that is!)

Valerie Stewart

Valerie, and any others?

I am sometimes in Gig Harbor visiting my mom. Is there any kind of
organized unschooling group in Tacoma? I'd love to join you sometime if
there is!

***"Organized unschooling group"? <gales of laughter> Mary Ellen, I'm afraid
*this* is the only kind of unschooling group I have...here on line. It would
be fun to get together, though. Perhaps you and I could offer (on-line) to
host an unschooling picnic sometime?

I'm driving through Gig Harbor tomorrow, as a matter of fact. :)

Valerie in Tacoma