Michele Moss

Hello Sandra!
Your post caught my attention!

> have four young children, and they all are quite spirited. It is so
> wonderful to affirm these positive qualities, and work with the
> child instead of against them.

FOUR! oh my! what's your secret in keeping up with them? Can you
suggest a good vitamin? :)
> I am starting a spirited child study group,

Way to go!!! I'll be cheering for you and wish you lots of
success! There is such a need to educate people about the spirited

> and this site had some excellent book suggestions.

Since I just joined this group, i don't know where you or
anyone else is at in your familiarity of the spirited temperament.
At the risk of possibly repeating info that many of you may already
know, "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka is the
number one most highly recommended book on the subject of the
spirited temperament. She has rightly become "THE" most respected

I am going to make a reading list now,
> and get a flyer together to hand out tomorrow at the LLL meeting. I
> have a group of moms with preschoolers and young kids waiting to
> hear about this group. I think I have found a good focus for it.
> Warmly,
> Sandra Brown
> Ann Arbor, MI
Sandra, I believe Mary Sheedy Kurcinka lives in MI so my guess is
that you are probably already familiar with a lot of her work?

I hope this is not inappropriate, but i'd like to make you and
others aware of another email support group list for "parents of
spirited kids". Schooling seems to be a never ending topic there.
some parents are unschooling or home schooling but the posts related
to schooling are typically the frustrations of the parents in the
problems they are facing with their spirited children in the school
systems. It certainly reinforces my belief that I would be making
the right decision to unschool Sterling. Whether it's parenting or
schooling at home, there are frustrations and issues specific to
understanding and dealing with the temperament of the spirited child.
Our group focuses on sharing those frustrations and strategies to
help resolve the difficulties and encourage positive responses.

You can visit the discussion group URL listed below for psk in my
signature line to get more info or subscribe. or send a blank email
to [email protected]
I hope this does not come across as advertising inappropriate for
this group but hope to just provide another support resource for
parents who have chosen to unschool their child and might be having
the additional challenge of their child's intensity, persistance,
transition difficulties, energy level, sensitivity (environmental,
physical, and emotional), distractibility, etc.

Michele Moss
Mom of Sterling Tyler age 3 yrs old
Parents of Spirited Kids Resource Web site:
Parents of Spirited Kids Discussion Group:

Diana Asberry

I have two very spirited dd's, ages 2 & 6.
(actually 1 month shy of 4 years apart--I thought that was enough
I also thought I couldn't get another spirited/intense child--HA!
My higher Power indeed has a sense of humor!
I cannot imagine having four, Sandra!

"Raising Your Spirited Child" has helped to put things into perspective for
me, too, Michele.

Diana Asberry
"the world is our classroom"

----Original Message Follows----
> have four young children, and they all are quite spirited

>>"Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka is the
number one most highly recommended book on the subject of the
spirited temperament. She has rightly become "THE" most respected
Michele Moss