[email protected]

When my son and I were discussing his desire to go to school, I told him
everything about school. He knew that he wouldn't get to play with the kids,
he knew that he would have to sit still all day, and do worksheets BUT he
still wanted to go. He was just curious. He wanted to find out for himself.
We took a tour during lunch hour, and he thought it was soooo cool that the
kids lined up, picked up their own trays, etc. It was all so new to him. He
also wanted to ride the bus. When kids have never been to school, the whole
experience can seem very exciting. Fortunately, our homeschooling theater
group is exciting too.
n a message dated 2/7/01 3:05:48 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

I wonder if your daughter knows that you realy dont get that much
time to 'play' with friends at school, and friends do tend to fall
out and play with other children more at school than at home.