Francine Sherwood

Thanks everyine for your suggestions. I am printing them out and digesting
it a bit. I don't seem to have as much problem figuring out how he can have
the knowledge base of sciences as much as the math. Especially math that I
myself am not familiar with. Although I have Masters degree, I never got
past geometry. So Algebra II, Trig and Calculus, I have no idea what they
are used for in the "real world". My son is interested in the math and
science field. He is probably going to get some computer certifications
under his belt before he gets out of high school. Does someone know how the
higher maths such as Algebra II, Trigonometry and calculus are used?

BTW I live in Florida.

[email protected]

In a message dated 2/6/01 3:40:24 PM, tsiporah@... writes:

<< So Algebra II, Trig and Calculus, I have no idea what they
are used for in the "real world". >>

They're used for science. That's why all the science recommendations. He'll
find/discover the math in there where it actually lives, rather than in a
math book!

(You wrote -=- I don't seem to have as much problem figuring out how he can
the knowledge base of sciences as much as the math.-=-)

Science first.
