Lisa Bugg

Yesterday I was reading the documents pertaining the Gentle Spirit court
case. I came to the part of Mary Pride's testimony where she talks about the
cost of advertising in her card deck. My 5, 7 and 9 year olds were all
sitting in by me and when I started talking to the computer my 9 year old
asked what was up. So I explained what I was reading and about the cost. We
had recieved a coupon pak in the mail yesterday so I had a visual aid handy.
<G> We talked about how Papa John's pizza wouldn't want to be in a
homeschooling deck. I was explaining about being able to target your
audience and how Mary Pride got the addresses of so many homeschoolers. I
was still shocked that it was a $6000 commitment to have a card in that card
deck. My 5.5 year old, from about 8 feet away with her hand on the
refridgerator said...."it depends on how many homeschooers there are."

Well, yeah.

After I picked up my jaw, I just sort of stared at my own child. She had
been listening and taking it all in, which isn't surprising. She had also
understood everything, she saw the big picture within moments. She was
unfrettered in any way about thinking and joining the conversation. She was
also thinking faster and with more clarity than her 9 year old brother.

I saw myself within her. I saw years of getting things, of seeing the big
picture within moments of exploring a topic. My stomach knotted, for I also
saw what had been done to me. When I was 5 I was not asked to join the
conversation. I was not thought well of for being able to think with clarity
and speed. I saw years of retraining where I sat mute, trying to stay out of
trouble and never quite making it.

She smiled at me and our conversation went on. We spent a few more minutes
talking about the price of paper and who designs the artwork on those cards
in the card pack. I, however, found a quiet spot and rejoiced that this
child, my child, would grow up whole. How very powerful she will be.



All I can say is :)