Annette Naake

Kerry, I loved your rubber-stamp greeting card idea. I used to make gift wrap with rubber stamps that I carved myself from small erasers using an x-acto knife. This was way before I had kids. Do you make the stamps yourself? Do you use one per card or many? Have you ever tried linoleum block printing? It's similar -- I made a nice greeting card that way once.


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Kerry Kibort

No, I never used the linoleum technique, but have seen
it done at convention. I dont make my own stamps. I
buy the sheets of unmounteds at conventions and mount
them myself. DH is a carpenter, so wood aplenty. You
do have to be careful selling stuff, as some stamp
companies dont allow resale with their images. "Angel"
companies mean that they allow it. Most do not,
though, and if you're caught, they will sue you quick.
