[email protected]

In a message dated 01/13/01 5:41:19 AM, [email protected] writes:

<< I am currently waiting for 3 books by John Holt that I ordered this week.
Anything by him and everything by him I understand is a must especially once
you have committed to the ideal. >>

Except, for friends who are still school-committed, the early Holt books
might give them the (dated, 1960s) hope that schools can be reformed. So
go with the later Holt books if you're only going to recommend one or two.
Teach Your Own, or Learning All the Time maybe.

Men seem to like the Gutterson book, because of the tone in which it's
The first John Taylor Gatto book is good for its shock value, in giving
people the idea about how bad schools can be.

I prefer things written by homeschooling moms, myself. Linda Dobson's
Homeschool Book of Answers is easy reading because you can skip all around,
and it has lots of homeschooling moms in there. But I do know that
intellectual snobbery can make it way-beyond-easy to ignore "housewives" in
favor of certified teachers! So for elitists with only ten minutes to
invest, I'd go with Gatto.

I'd give them several online sites: HEM's, Unschooling.com and the NHEN
intro page for sure.
