The White's

I also am a certified teacher, or was until my certification lapsed. I
loved school, was really good at school even when I was at my highest point
of misbehaving (which was pretty high ;-) I also have LOTS of memories of
my favorite game as a child being school. I loved to sit my teddy bears &
babydolls down & teach them! For as long as I can remember I've wanted to
be a teacher.

Once I earned my degree & certification I had trouble finding a position. I
was offered positions in faraway tiny towns which I didn't want. I was
offered positions in private Christian schools which is not right for me
either. I frankly became quite bitter that I could not find a position
right for me because of the political nature of the school system.

When my oldest child was born I remembered that my grandmother always said
that there's a reason for everything, but that sometimes it takes a while to
discover them. I first read about homeschooling when my eldest was 2 weeks
old & it was like a lightbulb in my this is why I've always
wanted to teach!!!!

Maybe it would help if you examine why you wanted to teach and what you love
about it. Unfortunately I can't help you with your family as I've always
been the one in my family that does things differently, so it's easy as
they've come to expect it! I would also suggest that once you've made a
decision that's best for you and your children, then it's easier to defend
to others. But don't make decisions for your parents or siblings that would
be potentially wrong decisions for you and your children.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I think if you follow your heart you
already know what's best for your son. And we'll all be here to help!
