Mac and Carol Brown

Thanks Betsy,

Yeah, maybe I have been forgetting the warning thing lately - somehow as the kids get older, I guess I have come to expect them not to need stuff like that - I'll try and get back to it.

> I've found that the more fierce and warlike a weeding tool I can find, the more my 6 year old boy likes gardening. He'll attack weeds, or just wander around using his imagination. He also likes to play with a long pole that we use for staking beans.
> However, I *don't* recommend this solution for families with more than one child -- everyone needs to be hypervigilant in this situation when a young one is "armed".

Oh my god, the mind boggles! These 'kids' of mine are boys aged 17, 13, 10! They are majorly into fighting style Playstation and computer games! When they do come outside, it is generally to go down to the bush to find 'staves' to fight with. Can you
imagine what the veggie garden would look like after that? Thanks, but I think I'll give that suggestion a miss <bg>!
