[email protected]

In a message dated 12/18/00 4:04:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< Since the subject of nursing has come up, I wonder if anyone else is
having a problem with very frequent night time nursing? My 16 mo. old
wakes up to nurse every 2-3 hours every night like clockwork , and I am
getting so tired I'm afraid to get behind the wheel to drive anywhere >>

Amy, you sound really tired! My ben nursed so much between age 1 and 2, which
is the age of your child. I was tempted to do some of the "interventions"
(no num nums till the sun is up), but i KNEW he would not go for it.
Sometimes with night nursing i would unlatch him half asleep after a few
minutes of nursing, and he would go for it and roll over. This way, i would
get back into deep sleep quicker.
