[email protected]

I just thought i would add my 2 cents here. What happens to be so terribly
bad about shopping the day after Thanksgiving? I feel if its done as a family
it can definatly be a fun thing. I personaly love to take advantage of the
*low* prices offered through specials the day after Thanksgiving. I have 3
children and a very very limited budget so this shoping day with all its
specials really helps me out tremendously. Plus it's just all part of the
Christmas feel. Almost like snow. It just seems to me to make things more
But this is just my opinion of course and everyone is entitled to do their
*own*thing, but I feel it might be more of a crusade to protest something of
value instead of one shopping day a year:-)
Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.....

[email protected]

In a message dated 00-11-25 15:01:50 EST, you write:

<< but I feel it might be more of a crusade to protest something of
value instead of one shopping day a year:-) >>

I agree.

That fateful biggest-shopping-day, I bought cloth for Holly's girlscout
uniform, and I went to a Salvation Army thriftstore which was having a
$1-per-garment sale. Both sales were on because it was the Thursday after
Thanksgiving. Had I needed or wanted to go to one of the malls in which I've
been shopping since I was a teenager (and that was the 1960's/70's) I would
have been pretty miffed if I'd had to face people yelling at me about

Christmas gift-giving is one of my best things. My siblings and cousins used
to call me "Sandra Claus" even when we were kids because I could do something
cool without a bunch of money. It's one of my few creative talents. I've
fallen down some with being older and having other things to think about, but
shopping sales is a very good thing to do. It would be "better" (not good at
all) to protest those who wait until December 23 or 24, but some of them do
so because they have no days off earlier, or no money earlier.

Yesterday I split little matching (matching length) cedar sticks to dip in
wax to bundle to give to friends as fire-starters. I'll pack them in little
baskets (thrift store, garage sale, things gifts were given to me in--they're
all out in the garage, and I'll just dig through for some good sizes) and
stick a bow on them and maybe put a little bag of cookies.

But I did go shopping Thursday, and I'm not evil nor stupidly mesmerized by
