
I hope this doesn't come under spamming but the following is a letter the kidlets put together after reading e-mails over my shoulder and listening to me vent. 
If Ignorance Is Bliss Why Aren't More People Happy?
Hello, we are Derek, Kirk and Krystin and we are homeschoolers.  We are Wiyot and live in Northern California.  We were listening to our mom when she was talking about how people are always doing things for people in other countries and never realize that one of the poorest places in the world is right here in the U.S.
We asked her about this and, being unschoolers, she gave us one of those looks.  So we headed to the library and then got on the net to do some research and we were really surprised at what we found!  We decided to "adopt" the elderly living on the "cold" reservations.  Winter is the worst time because only one out of every five hogans has any reliable source of heat.  We decided to learn to crochet and make afghans.
We set a goal of each of us getting one afghan done before Christmas.  But, we got to thinking that wouldn't be very much.  We put this letter together so that maybe other homeschoolers would join us in our project which we call "Stop The Frostbite."
So, since we think unschoolers and homeschoolers are the greatest people in the world, we thought some other kids might like to help.  Mom says that folks who have to do portfolios can use this as history, current events, math (counting all those chains and crochets and working with patterns), art and community service.
You can e-mail us at lurine@....  We will be putting together a big box to mail on December 15 and will try to do one every six weeks after that.
Your homeschooling friends
Derek, Kirk and Krystin
P.S.  If you have any coats, sweaters or blankets you might want to donate, our mom has addresses to send them to.