John O. Andersen

Here's a fun site to look at as we wind down Election 2000.

Find out:

Who was the only founding father and president to free his slaves
Who lived the longest
Who was the first VP (later became president) to preside over the Senate
with loaded pistols
Who was the last British-born president
Who served as president for only one day
Who campaigned in German
Which future president attended law school while serving as VP
Who was the first to ride in a submarine
Who was the first self-made millionaire

One other piece of info to dig up:

We've had seven presidents who were left-handed. At one point three
consecutive presidents were leftys. Who are those three consecutive

(Sorry for the lefty question. Being one myself, I couldn't resist)

John Andersen
Uncoventional Ideas at
Themestream Articles
Read about the Andersen family travels:

Susan (mother to 5 in Fla)

John thank you for this site. I've really enjoyed it.