John O. Andersen

Here is a fabulous web resource all about what is widely recognized as the
greatest upset in presidential election history:
Harry Truman, the only president in this century to not hold a college
degree, surprised the world by defeating the powerful and exquisitely
well-connected conservative, Thomas E. Dewey. A modern-day David and
Goliath story.

Interestingly enough, one of the candidates in that election is still alive
today, 52 years later! Do you know who I'm talking about?

A pre-election story on Thomas E. Dewey, the man whose victory was a
foregone conclusion according to most pollsters and political experts:

(From the site) >>"The governor of New York," Sidney
Shallett aptly observed in the Saturday Evening Post, "talks not like a man
who wants to be President, but like a man who already is President in
everything but name, and who merely is awaiting the inaugural date before
taking over."<<


John Andersen
Uncoventional Ideas at