
I am *just a little further* ahead of where you are with
unschooling. After removing my then 11yr old from school we did
school at home and moved onto unschooling because it didnt work.
For 4 months my dd has been deschooling - I waited and waited and
waited for something to happen....becoming more and more desperate.
Suggesting things - starting things - but all she wanted to do was
watch TV. I bought a mathwork book. (This is the only structured
thing I insisted she do)......and waited.
Toni is a night owl and a late riser. I am the opposite and I found
this hard to handle - but I allowed her body clock to take over. I
learned not to nag. I also learned that Toni is at her best late
afternoon and early evening - I also found that she works better with
Toni did 5 pages of math yesterday while watching TV and got most of
them right!! This is happening more and more. She has several e-pals
who she now correspondces with several times a week - before i used
to TELL her to answere these emails and she would leave them - Now
that i leave her to her own device as far as *school* goes, we get
much more done.
So dont give up. These lovely people on these message boards kept
telling me it *would happen* - I didnt believe them!!!! But honestly
*It will happen* just be patient..

[email protected]

Im so glad your daughter came around, it gives me somthing to look forward
to. I was so confident when I began this I guess I didnt figure in all the
little obstacles. Like......LIFE!! Heheehe My mother told me a million times
that if I would just pay attention I would be alright, didnt listen to mom.
That was a lesson learned in real life......"Look before you leap!!"
My daughter is also a night owl, not sure if its her clock or mine but I have
no complaints about it.
