Raley Family

I found another scripture I should have added to my earlier post:
"A child left to himself disgraces his mother."  Proverbs 29:15
Carla Raley
Jacksboro, Texas
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.    Joshua 24:15

Joseph Fuerst

> So have you tried Mary Griffith's "The Unschooler's Handbook?"
>>Any other recommendations?
I'm looking for something that will encourage me to continue to be a
totally radical unschooler. <<

All the Holt books, old GWS newsletters........I find reading helpful at
times, but I have found really opening my eyes, ears, etc and really
experiencing adventures (these include "ordinary days") with your family
will solidify your views. I would suggest doing both. Make sure you
observe your own possible tendencies to try to "teach"...what happens? How
do your children reeact? What's something they've learned that you've had
no part of? (E.G., when our oldest was about 4, she would have this
pondering look on her face often on little trips here and there in the
car.....turns out she was figuring out addition..you could practically see
the lightbulbs popping off as she discovered the relationships between
number names and quantities of items!) you never really know what's going
on in their minds, but if you pay attention, you'll realize it's a great

[email protected]

In a message dated 10/26/02 9:17:46 PM, sheran@... writes:

<< I have to comment on Christian unschooling. I'm a Christian and I'm
an unschooler. However, there aren't any good resources out there
that I've seen that are specifically for the Christian unschooler.
The Christian Unschooling book is good for helping Abeka
homeschoolers relax, but it's more about relaxed or ecclectic
homeschooling as opposed to unschooling. It talks about unit studies
and stuff. Christian unschooling lists also are usually more relaxed
homeschooling lists. >>

I didn't know that. I was really hoping some of those were seriously

Still, to be around all Christians would be a comfort sometimes, I bet. It
might not be fun to be the most radical unschooler and have to sit through
much discussion how to get kids to finish their work, though.

I'm sorry there aren't better Christian unschooling resources.
