Bill & Sher

Yes you all are right. I was being judgmental. I am sorry. Thank you for setting me straight, I have helped her and she is getting help now. I am now to far away to help.

The "bad apple" I was talking about was not the children. I should have said bad example of unschooling. Please don't get me for this. I mean my hubby isn't at all interested in this style because of this family's problem. He can't yet get past their problems which would effect any still of schooling, including ps. I am looking for help to get him interested.

Thank you Candice for offering me some help in getting my hubby on the unschooling train. By explaining that I want to do an "assisted" unschooling verse our friends unassisted unschooling.

Are there anyone else that has had a problem getting their spouse excited about unschooling?


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In a message dated 10/24/00 1:02:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
yet_will_i_trust.him@... writes:

<< Are there anyone else that has had a problem getting their spouse excited
about unschooling?

Absolutely. You're not alone in that situation. My husband was initially wary
of homeschooling until he saw the results. Then when I told him we were
phasing over to unschooling he thought I was crazy but acknowledged that I
was the one who had done the research and so I probably had more information
to make a good decision.

I think it is easier for my husband because our oldest daughter is clearly
flourishing under this method of education. She also has chosen a very
academic path. He can see the value in almost all of her activities. While he
is still not comfortable with complete unschooling, he sees that she is well
beyond what she would be doing in a public or most private schools. He sees
that she is passionate about learning new things and is very well adjusted.

We don't know any other unschooling families, so he has no examples, good or
bad, to look at. Perhaps your husband would be interested in reading some of
books about unschooling and its affects. Perhaps a subscription to Growing
Without Schooling may help. Maybe you could ask if he would be comfortable
unschooling on a trial basis, and reassessing at the end of the year.

What are his specific fears and concerns?


[email protected]

Dear Sher,
I think you might be interested in the book, "The Relaxed Home School: A
Family Production" by Mary Hood. I hven't found any website for her but the
book is available through Amazon. -Amalia-