Joseph A. & Susan D. Fuerst


> All of my
> kids learned to read in a mostly organic way; the oldest one at 4 and the
> other two at around 8 or 9 years old.

Thanks. I need to hear this right now because our son who will be 8 this
week, is only just starting to read.

John Andersen
Unconventional Ideas at


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 20:45:53 -0400
From: "A. Yates" <hooperck@...>
Subject: Re: Re: new to unschooling

Me too. My 7 yr old, 8 in Feb. is not reading. Can sound out a few 3
words, but that's it. While all the other kids his age in our group are
reading chapter books. Ugh! I'm just trying to be quite, and not think
it if he is fine with it.

John, your son sounds perfectly normal to me. Isn't 8-12 the average for
boys to start reading if left to do it naturally?

My 2nd daughter is 8-1/2 and is reading only haltingly. She is absolutely
determined to read Harry Potter (which we already read aloud...we are really
behind the times...we're only on the 2nd book now). She sits there every day
and slowly but surely reads that book. She's so proud when she finishes a
chapter. Must be a pain to be the younger sister of a book devourer. But I
know she's going at her natural pace so I try to tell her not to worry about
it that she isn't as fast as others her age. At least she won't develop a
fear or hatred of reading.




I am new to this list and had to jump in here. I am
SO glad to know that I am not the only one with a late
reader. My middle son will be 8 in Dec. and is still
struggling to read. He can read the first couple Bob
books and that is about it.
Today he knows his alphabet and sounds, tomorrow he
doesn't. It is so fustrating because he is so advanced
in just about everything he does except reading.