Shelley A Stefanic

Nancy, I agree 100%! ~Shelley

>The Scouts are a group of self righteous bigots who
> have had their right to be a private organization upheld so they can
> exclude whomever they please. To then ask for public support,
> public building use, etc is unreasonable.

[email protected]

Hey, Dawn~

I've just been told about a new scouting progaram called Spiral
Scouts for boys and girls. You can check them out at They have a program for little folks, and they
are more earth-friendly (pagan, actually) than traditional scouts.


Thanks Aimee.. any help with this new venture is appreciated. I didn't go
to girl scouts or brownies, actually I did for a few weeks, but I wouldn't
follow the rules and wanted to make up my own so they asked me to leave (LOL)

Dawn Falbe
Personal Development Coach
Relocational Astrologer
(520) 579-2646
The Path of Least Resistance is Inside of You
Enlightening women on how to live their Soul Purpose

"The people who get on in this world
are people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and,
if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw

"The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school."-George
Bernard Shaw

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