Christine Masloske

Thanks to those who responded to my desperate post today!! After I
got a grip on myself (after posting, emailing, crying, etc.), amazing
things started to happen! My two oldest actually finished their
humongous task of cleaning their playroom!! Then we started on their
religious ed homework and (this is amazing because it is so rare) my
son actually read two whole chapters to me!!

A while ago we embrassed the idea that he would learn to read on his
own. It was very, very scary at first, what give up CONTROL?, but
then we have moments such as this afternoon when I know the Lord is
giving me a break and a sign and my son is showing me that he can
read and he comprehends what he is reading! I think he learned
something else today, too. Mom's not so bad to read to!

Again, thanks and praise the Lord for showing me the way again!!!