Christine Masloske


I am an unschooler of 3 children (7-1/2, 6 & 3) with one due in March!! I
am going through some unbelievable funk about this whole thing right now. I
am tempted to throw in the towel and send them off to ps. Why? I'm not
quite sure.

All I know is that I want the best for them and I am questioning if I am
providing that for them. I love the freedom of unschooling, but there is
also something chaotic about it and it is a very difficult concept to
explain to family & friends. My kids have been telling people that they do
nothing for school. You can guess the reaction by all to that!!

This is my SOS to all of you who know what this like. I need as much
support and suggestions as possible. Since I am the only "unschooler" that
I know personally, I am in need of the experience and wisdom from all of

Thank you in advance for your support and kind words...

Losing it in Illinois,
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Susan (mother to 5 in Fla)

Been there, done that!! As I'm sure many of the list have. Take a deep
breath & relax. Over the summer, just before school was to start, my mil
hit me pretty hard that dd should be in school. That really made me start
questioning what I was teaching her & her brothers. Then DH took the kids,
while I attended a seminar, to a historical museum twice & art museum once
over a two day period. Later he told me how impressed he was at their
ability to interact with the staff & tell him things about the exhibits
before he mentioned them. DS 4 told him a display was clay, they both
mentioned the media used for different pictures. They told him things about
the prehistoric animals as he was reading to himself. They've picked up so
much just not exactly what their age level gets in ps. He was very pleased
with the new way (unschooling) since he sees the kids having so much fun &
learning too. For us that's right. My inlaws haven't mentioned a word
since ps started without my kids.