Robin Norell

My children are unexpectedly very interested in the Olympics.... never suspected, or I'd have been more prepared.  I have been searching online for a chart they can use to track the medal winners. I've found listings of winners, but not a list of the events with the opportunity for the children to notate the winners and calculate totals... any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Tracy Oldfield

> My children are unexpectedly very interested in the Olympics.... never
> suspected, or I'd have been more prepared. I have been searching
> online for a chart they can use to track the medal winners. I've found
> listings of winners, but not a list of the events with the opportunity
> for the children to notate the winners and calculate totals... any
> ideas?
> Thanks in advance!
> Robin
> Orlando
> :-)
Dunno about writing the stuff in oneself, but I'm really enjoying the
official site, (snappy, isn't it?? LOL) tons of
info, a bit slow but then half the online world's probably trying to log
on at the same time. Each sport has it's own medal table, us Brits
are doing particularly well in the track cycling, woohoo! pd good
considering we only got one gold in the whole Atlanta games, and
that was the absolute put-your-shirt-on rowing of Redgrave and
Pinsent. If Steve Redgrave doesn't get the BBC's Sports
Personality of the year this year, the sky will fall down!

I've spent too much time surfing and watching, and it's on from
about midnight here so I really need to go to bed earlier (as per
usual, though) Went to the chiro today, and she's from Sydney!
She said she was feeling homesick, so I asked her what she's still
doing here!! Ah, well, can't complain that someone who loves her
home town so much is happy to live in Yorkshire *grin*


Cathie _

>My children are unexpectedly very interested in the Olympics.... never
>suspected, or I'd have been more prepared. I have been searching online
>for a chart they can use to track the medal winners. I've found listings of
>winners, but not a list of the events with the opportunity for the children
>to notate the winners and calculate totals... any ideas?
>Thanks in advance!
> :-)
What about the tv guide? They may have a listing of the events to be shown
so that you could make up your own chart on the computer?


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