Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

>SO does anyone know of any info or articles on why schooling is better and
>does anyone else think there is any other positive to schooling.
>Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
> mom to Isaac
> tl2b@...
>Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!

Along the same lines as the equipment, there are also a number of extra
cirricular activities that the kids have access to. These are things that
they may or may not be able to participate in outside of school. If you
live in a smaller population base, like we do, than you have less access to
alternative activities outside of ps. Also, if the child has a strong ego
and enjoys being in the spotlight, they may benefit greatly from the large
audience in ps. These are the kind of kids who are really into student
government, cheerleading, dance committees, and other organizational and
highly public endeavors.

Let us not forget that there are also good teachers out there. Teachers
who try hard, who care. Unfortunately, due to the entire makeup and
atmosphere of the ps system it is often difficult for even these teachers
to make a lot of the positive changes in the classroom. Their hands are
tied. There are positive aspects to ps, but in my opinion, they are
drowned by the looming system and it's unhealthy aspects for a childs
physical, mental and emotional health and well being.

Nanci K. in Idaho

Andi Kaufman

Nanci wrote:
>Let us not forget that there are also good teachers out there. Teachers
>who try hard, who care. Unfortunately, due to the entire makeup and
>atmosphere of the ps system it is often difficult for even these teachers
>to make a lot of the positive changes in the classroom. Their hands are
>tied. There are positive aspects to ps, but in my opinion, they are
>drowned by the looming system and it's unhealthy aspects for a childs
>physical, mental and emotional health and well being.

I can say from experience that my son had 2 of the best etachers I had ever
seen. And I would never put down a teacher. they work very hard, for little
pay and many are trying so hard.

I just know that Isaac is better off.

Although today, I want to wring his neck. he is annoying me to no end.

Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
mom to Isaac

Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!