Michelle Harper

Hi Fellow Homeschoolin' Folks,
Those were some pretty silly quotes on political leaders, but surprising..NO.  I have long loathed & been saddened by the sight of our political system, and the action of it, and the invasion of it.  I am voting & working with promoting the Green Party.  Ralph Nader, a corporate power buster...environmentalist.  His vice president candidate is LaDuke..an Indian activist.  I have heard and folowed Ralph Nader's campagne for years.....he doesn't use Big Business to fund his campagne, and that's probably why few people hear about him.  But he's been around , speaking on political & environmental issues for years.  He is touring , so if you have a chance to hear him speak, it be wise to lend him a curious ear, for the future of this country. 
The neighborhoods here, are quickly becoming desolate.  I remember being a kid playing in the woods out behind my house, that is some of why I chose the location we are now in..it is crucial in my opinion to have wooded wonderlands to explore when you are young...but they are all dissapppearing, as they develop those areas behind our houses, etc, and put up those new condos & partical board boxes....row by row by row......kind of like lining up in school to go to class.....stand still....No talking.  Mass allegiance, and PRODUCTION. I'm sickened by the whole thing...Every time I drive by the Red Oaks COmmunity or Fir HIlls....Deer Lake......where all the things they name themselves after are ripped out & have been removed...what do these names symbolize..In Memory OF?    The only way not to participate in the destruction is Not to buy their products.  And to speak up when given the oppurtunity. 
Michelle, Dana & Zain Harper
The Great NorthWest Washington
Legendary Tree & Landscape