[email protected]

> "I think we can agree. The past is over"

OK, I can agree with this.

> "I have learned from mistakes I may or may not have made."

I also learn from others' mistakes as well as my own. Further, I may not have
made the particular mistake even if I hadn't learned from someone else's
making it.

> "It's clearly the budget. It has a lot of numbers on it."

I LOVE this one!

> "I propose that every city have a telephone number 119 -- for
> dyslexics who have an emergency."

HAHAHAHA! OK, I'll admit it's not PC, so shoot me, but I still think it's
funny. Anyone who wants PC for President isn't considering Dubya anyway.

:-) Diane

Laura M

hahahahahahahah ROFL.

>From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
><queensland@...>, <[email protected]>,
><cowangels@...>, <[email protected]>,
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] THE WIT & WISDOM OF GEORGE W. BUSH
>Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 09:27:22 -0700
>And now we have Dubya, PhD from the U of Quayle, who wants to be our
>education president.
>THE WIT & WISDOM OF GEORGE W. BUSH, All Quotes 100% Real:
>"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
>"Laura & I really don't realize how bright our children is."
>"I think we can agree. The past is over"
>"I have learned from mistakes I may or may not have made."
>"It was just inebriating what Midland was all about then." [An alky's
>Freudian slip for Exhilerating]
>"It's clearly the budget. It has a lot of numbers on it."
>"The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."
>"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?"
>"I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to
>California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California."
>"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do
>when you run for president. You gotta preserve."
>"It's evolutionary, going from governor to president, and this is a
>significant step, to be able to vote for yourself on the ballot, and I'll
>be able to do so next fall, I hope."
>"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
>"I propose that every city have a telephone number 119 -- for dyslexics who
>have an emergency."
>"There ought to be limits to freedom." [said in support of his handlers'
>legal efforts to shut down parody websites]
>"I didn't -- I swear I didn't -- get into politics to feather my nest."
>But: "When it is all said and done, I will have made more money than I ever
>dreamed I would make."
>"The Clinton administration has done practically nothing to protect our
>country. They've turned our country into a rodeo clown."
>"You know, hopefully, condoms will work, but it hasn't worked."
>"I understand small business growth. I was one."
>"It's not the governor's role to decide who goes to heaven. I believe that
>God decides who goes to heaven, not George W. Bush."
>" You can't take the high horse and then claim the low road."
>"If you're sick & tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and
>principles, come and join this campaign."
>" We ought to make the pie higher."
>[during a 2/15/00 speech where he appeared to have had a 3 martini lunch]
>"I know how proud I am to be standing up."
>"Don't kill me!" [Bush on Larry King Show making light of the then-119 men
>executed in Texas under his governorship]
>"I pontificate less, although it may be hard to tell."
>"If the East Timorians decide to revolt, I'm sure I'll have a statement."
>"I'm a uniter not a divider. That means when it comes time to sew up your
>chest cavity, we use stitches as opposed to opening it up." [said on
>Letterman; audience booed]
>"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
>and potential mential losses."
>"The important question is, How many hands have I shaked?"
>The only thing I know about Slovakia is what I learned first-hand from your
>foreign minister, who came to Texas."
>"Reading is the basis for all learning." Then lying big-time: "I read books
>all the time." While promoting a Texas state-wide reading initiative, Bush
>searched unsuccessfully for an answer to a child's query regarding any book
>he may actually have read; Bush finally replied, "uh...uh...Willie Mays."
>Due to several similar moments when he could not give evidence of any book
>he's ever read, it has become clear that Bush may never have read any book
>clear through in his whole life, probably not even his ghost-written
>egregiously bad autobiography, so he now claims to have read only the Bible
>clear through "once every two years". An "education president" in the
>making, right.
>"We require that every child read by the third grade." [Texas is
>academically on the low end of the scale; & other states do tend to produce
>first-grade readers]

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