[email protected]

<<Well, he is TRYING to
become more supportive...>> weve gotta be happy about that...

<<I am usually too chicken to use the "unschooling" word... maybe someday
I'll utter that "u" word in public. Ha, ha... When talking to other
homeschoolers I usually first assess their perspectives on learning before I
disclose our approach.>>

glad to know i am not the only one. i guess it is natural to be wary in a
society that is so school oriented, etc.

<<I first think "that's too bad", then I think
"should I be doing that or my child will be uneducated in comparison?">>
or, along a similar line, will my child be undiciplined, or unable to study,

<<Although I realize that wouldn't work for us anyway, even if I ever wanted
to schedule our lives like that. But I do experience these confusing and
conflicting feelings about our way of learning. >>

oh darn. was hoping for a quickfix i could whisk those feelings away.
anyone else have remedies to keep the doubts away?

<<I am afraid
he is like me: planning and shopping for educational supplies is more
exciting than actually using them!>>
i love this! LOL!

<<I guess we all go through stages in our
lives when our need for structure ebbs and flows. At least with unschooling
you can allow yourself to ebb occasionally, whereas in school you always
have to go with their flow. >>
wise words-- ty olivia

[email protected]

In a message dated 09/07/2000 4:00:02 AM !!!First Boot!!!, MorelFam@...


glad to know i am not the only one. i guess it is natural to be wary in a
society that is so school oriented, etc. >>

Oh, I never actually tell people we are UNschooling. They just wouldn't get
it. Not in the time I have to spend explaining, anyway. Most people seem
content with "no, we don't really use a set curriculum (that's ALWAYS their
first question), we do a combination of things."
