[email protected]

Well, right now she is trying to make contact with a support group in her
really rurual area in Missouri...she pulled the kidlets out because they were
having a really hard time with teachers and waking up dreading each and every
day....she doesnt have cirruculm yet....and the kids are feeling like summer
again and are very excited with this oppurtunity....the 11yr old girl is
making a quilt she has been working on for a while and her 12yr son took
apart his bike tire yesterday to see how it works. (sound like unschooling to
me...and I pointed this out to my dsister)...we have dicussed unschooling,
but she is not sure if she is comfortable with that yet....she is looking for
support from people who have kids my neice and nephews ages....she said the
older two went on to do their thing but the 7yr old is having trouble being
bored....we discussed making a list of things she like to do, then Mom
sending her to it when the B word apprears....I am just amazed she did it so
quickly. I guess everyones post really got to my sister and BIL. Now they
are just trying figure out what to do and how to deal with the negativity
from others....

Julie-thanks for asking-in awe of my own sisters bravery