Shirley A Richardson-McCourt

Dawn wrote:>

>... My opinion on spanking is still the same and has nothing to do with
> whatever you wrote initially. I didn't read that post... my response
> was to what someone wrote about corporal punishment. I still believe
> spanking is abusive and if you don't that's ok, that's what you are
> comfortable with. However I notice you spend a lot of time defending
> it and being outraged that other people think spanking is abusive.
> That's life... People in this world seem to all have differing
> opinions about things and just because they don't jive with yours
> does not mean they are offensive, rude or whatever you want to call
> it.

Shirley says:

I think that the outrage that you noticed came more from being jumped on so
severely for holding a view that contrasted with those of others on this
list. In other words, it was a REACTION to the reactions of others. It's
human nature that when we feel attacked, we will suually return the favor,
especially if we feel blindsided, which may have well been the case with the
author of the original post. After all, after having seen any number of
posts on any number of wide ranging topics, she felt free to bring a concern
to the table, so tospeak. And promptly got stomped on. Repeatedly.

As it happens , I don't agree with her views on spanking, but I don't agree
with some of the venom that has been slung in her direction either. A little
more civility and a little less self-righteousness would be a real nice
addition to the discussion right about now. Dontcha think?
