[email protected]

Maybe some people don't want to hear this "stuff" because they don't want to
take a look at the way they are dealing with their kids or are uncomfortable
with how they are treating their children and certainly don't want to have to
address that area of their lives!!! (LOL)... I find that when I'm resistent
to learning about something it's usually because I have some emotions tied up
with a particular subject and I'm scared people are going to disagree with my
way of doing things.

I love what was written with the Aware Parents and also the 20 things to deal
with kids (I know this is not what they are called, but I'm not on the e-mail
that was written right now and am too lazy to look back for the title)... I
read this to my hubby in the car while out driving somewhere... Zak was
listening intently (or so I thought) and then says "mummy can I have the
pages you have there in your hand with the numbers on it? and why doesn't it
go up to 100?" 100 is his favorite number right now... I gave him the pages
to look at and the numbers and decided to read the rest to hubbie later...

I'm not comfortable with hitting my children... I have only seen it bring
about fear in a child and not love, understanding or worship of the person
doing it. I don't see that it teaches them anything except how to be sneaky
so they don't get caught or to be petrified of this bigger person who can
physically harm them in a fit of rage. Hitting, spanking or any kind of
violence to a child, is raging on the parents' part. I've never seen a
parent hit a child when the parent was in control of their own emotions. It
always seems to be out of a need to control the situation or the child. If
people are comfortable in the knowledge that is the way other people perceive
what you are doing then go ahead and spank your child, while the rest of us
shake our heads and feel so sad for that little person that has to take the
punishment of the parents feelings.

I'm not particularly bothered who likes this and who doesn't. I'm here for
my benefit and what I can learn, so there's absolutely no point in telling me
to keep my opinion to myself. That would be like telling me to send my child
to school....

Dawn F
Tucson, AZ