
I just read this in the latest "Gentle Spirit"* issue:

"The benefit for Patty Pink, which we announced in the last issue of Gentle
Spirit, has been canceled. No further plans for a benefit have been
announced. As of this writing, _Patty Pink's children have been returned to
her;_ however, her case is still in progress, she is not allowed to discuss
the case with anyone, and she remains in need of financial assistance. Pink
is a single mother whose twin sons were removed from her by Child Protective
Services for "isolation due to homeschooling", even though she had satisfied
California homeschooling requirements, and even though her sons were
involved in many community activities. Donations for Patty Pink's legal
expenses, whish are substantial and ongoing, can be sent to her attorney as

David Beauvais
Atty at Law
1840 Woolsey
Berkeley, CA 94702

---Valerie in Tacoma

PS For those of you who knew me as The Book Faerie, the excess from the
"New Zealand Friend Fund" is at apx $75...I will send it on this week.

*Gentle Spirit $25/yr...6