Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall

>I am new to this site. I have a 10 year old and 13 year old and am curious about what you all think, unschooling-wise, about:
1)SET TIMES FOR BED vs. ANYTIME IS OKAY...same with rising time.
2)Use of the computer/internet: SHOULD THERE BE A LIMIT?

First of all, yes I think set bedtimes are a good idea for younger children. However, when they get older this will most likely be one of those things that we give them more autonomy about. So by the time my kids are your kids ages, I don't think a bedtime is paramount. For now, mine are really too little to be in charge of themselves or running about the house without supervision. We also cannot have them getting up to play at 4:30AM (like they did this morning) and so we insist that they stay in their rooms (and sleep or play quietly) until at least 6:30, preferable 7AM.

As to computer time, again, I think it depends on age. The older they are the more time I would allow (dependent upon personality and other factors.) Also, kids often cycle through things and if they get absolute freedom to go overboard with computer time, they will probably soon max out and want to back away from it a bit.

Someone else will have to field the math quesitons (as I'm sure you will get plenty of feedback on that) since mine are not doing math yet.

Nanci K.

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