[email protected]

In a message dated 8/28/00 6:42:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

Hi Michelle in DE

What's Love and Logic... I've missed a few digests as we were away and
decided I had too many e-mails to read so deleted a whole bunch...

Dawn F
Tucson, AZ >>

Hi Dawn! Love and Logic is a type of approach to parenting. Among us we
have a couple who teaches the concepts and has given some great advice and
tips on effectively using the principles of Love and Logic. The authors of
the Love and Logic approach are Foster Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay. They have
several titles that I know are available in the Library. In a nutshell, this
approach to parenting helps the child learn consequences through suitable
choices provided by the parent. I would encourage you to read back through
the last couple of digest b/c there was some GREAT dialogue on the topic.
Apparently, many of us have young children and the info. given was
invaluable. Thanks to Carron!

Carron -- feel free to elaborate or correct anything I wrote!

Michelle in DE