[email protected]

In a message dated 8/27/2000 2:48:15 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< But wouldn't it be so much more
productive if we could bring these guys around sooner? >>

My husband keeps on saying "why is this so women oriented, do the dads have a
night out together" (because our group meets once a month for coffee at a
bookstore and it's all women)...

My hubbie and I are in the process of switching roles and we did this once
before. Women treated him like he was going to drop the baby and that he was
"babysitting" and he's not looking forward to those comments again. Ahhh the
real world that we live in.

Dawn F
Tucson, AZ

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/28/2000 3:45:56 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< As a collateral cultural issue, have you ever noticed how publications
like "Parents Magazine" and others tend to assume that parenting is done by
Moms. Look at the advertisements in that mag. Admittedly, I haven't looked
at one in a while, but the last time I did I think the percentage of ads not
addressed to Moms was MAYBE 10%. I finally stopped reading it. >>

Not just that John but also how geared they are to dumping kids in daycare
and the parents taking care of their own "emotional needs" first. I just
refuse to buy them... Nearly always on the cover is some new way you can (a)
get rid of your kids (b) entertain at 10pm at night when they've been gone
all day... JMHO...

Dawn Falbe
Tucson, AZ