[email protected]

Bonnie -- our dd's sound like the same child. Thanks for the advice -- I'm
going to put the crayola notepad on her B-day wish list.

Carron -- I have read the book you are referring to and I am currently
waiting for my library to get me 2 other works by those authors -- that type
of discipline totally makes sense to me but the book I read seems to NOT
cover the type of situations I am having with my 3 year old and she will
always yell back at me "I don't want to make a choice!". Anyway, I will try
to e-mail you privately -- thanks for the offer and advice!.

Julie -- thanks for the book suggestions regarding 3yo dd -- I find reading
has helped me better understand that, well, she is 3 and that is what 3 year
olds do! Reading always seems to keep my attitude in check so I will "check"
out your suggestions! Thanks.

Thanks also to anyone I may have forgotten!!