Lainie Duro

Hey guys.

My son, Monk, has lately been very interested in how things are spelled.
His new thing is to point into the air and say stuff like "yrdq...that
spells DOG!" And right now he is putting his magnetic letters on the
floor and saying "That spells GO!" and the letters ar like "yao" or
something. He knows all of his letters, but he doesn't know how to spell
yet. My question for the group is how to approach this. I don't want to
correct him, because I feel that might be discouraging, but I'm afraid
if I let him continue to spell things wrong, he will think he's right.
What would you do?

Gotta go...he just spelled the word "Chair" (antyooohtrszgh...that
spells CHAIR!)

OH, another thing is that he reads the words backwords. Like when he
sees a sign, he reads the letters backwards. For instance, riding in the
cart at Target, he spelled "TEGRAT...what does that spell, mama?"

Should I just relax and let him do his thing? argh!
