Kandice Crockett

My daughter finally began calling us Mommy and Daddy at 3 years or so old
but mixed the names up for quite a while and still sometimes. She can't
draw a line from the "A" to the "B" or put a circle on the "B" or tell me if
there are two balls or three.
She can't really make a sentence yet. We can't particularly communicate
with her because she doesn't understand much of what we say unless we use
the very few words in her vocabulary.
When she talks, we often can figure out what she wants but just as often, we
She spends a lot of her time throwing fits of frustration and being stubborn
about everything and anything.
She was raised as a baby very lovingly by both me and my husband. She was
very pampered and never left to cry. We just loved her to death. But she
started acting this way at about 3 years old and I wonder if she isn't
autistic to some degree. I have heard that this usually occurs at about 3
Since that time, she has gone from being our very sweet loving baby to being
very difficult for anyone in the family to live with. She spends a lot of
her time screaming at siblings.
If the kids take her outside for a walk, it becomes a big long screaming fit
for Michelle who isn't happy with anything at all particularly if it
involves the word "no". If we try to play with her, she is very likely to
grunt loudly at us defiantly and refuse to co-operate in anything.
I just don't know what to do with her.
I don't expect her to be like the gifted son and be a super child in her
abilities, but it would be nice if there was at least reasonable ability to
communicate with her. I don't know how to work with her and help her and
there isn't a way to explain anything to her that she is upset and screaming
I don't mean to be one of those mothers who labels her kid and has too much
expectation. I just don't know if everything is okay with her or not. If
more time and freedom to do her own thing is all she needs, that would be
great. She is free to have it here. I just don't know if that's the case
and am worried.

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Tracy Oldfield

Kandice, afaik (and that's not saying much) autism usually shows
itself from birth, unless it's connected with an event, like a
vaccination, or a bout of measles. I read an article about families
using homeopathy to tackle autism, focussing on figuring out what
the trigger had been. Though there is a big developmental step
around 3-4yo, your instinct that something's more seriously amiss
could be correct. If you can track back to an event from where
she began to go downhill, you may have a head-start.

Best of luck
PS while we're being medical, does anyone have any info on
fibroids? treatment of them other than hysterectomy, preferably!

On 16 Aug 2000, at 19:33, Kandice Crockett wrote:

She spends a lot of her time throwing fits of
frustration and being stubborn
about everything and anything.
She was raised as a baby very lovingly by both me and
my husband. She was
very pampered and never left to cry. We just loved her
to death. But she
started acting this way at about 3 years old and I
wonder if she isn't
autistic to some degree. I have heard that this
usually occurs at about 3

Kandice Crockett

I DO believe there are problems with allergies. Michelle also came up with
eczema last year and her cheeks were covered with red patches especially
after dinner every day. Our Naturopath is helping with the allergies.
Michelle has had one treatment on the NAET program. I'll be darned if her
speech didn't improve some the very next morning. We still have 11
treatments to go. maybe it will make a big difference in her communication
skills more as we continue ridding her of those allergies. I hope so. She
sure is a miserable kid. :(
But just with the one treatment, the eczema is barely noticable anymore. :)

Blessings to you,

If I could show you how to make $300-$800+ mo. part-time at home with no selling, inventory,or huge
start-up cost, would you like to hear about it? NOT Amway! ;) kandyc@...

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