
I need some advice here. I had hamsters when I was young, but I must admit was pretty niave about them and their care. Then right before my husband and I got married we got one and surprise! three days later it had babies. I held on to them (or at least the ones the mom didn't eat) for 5 weeks then brought the whole litter and mom and cage to the pet store, put ti downa and walked out. Part of me felt bad, but I really felt that I had fufilled my obligation and we we're leaving for our honeymoon. O.K., now that I've made a short story long.. my 7 yo dd now wants a hamster, so  now that I'm older and more responsible (sometimes), I'm doing my homework. My 2 biggest concerns are determining the sex of the hamster before we buy it (especially making sure if it's pg or not) and what to do about our dog and cats. We're already planning on keeping them in her room, but I'm worried they might sneak in. Any suggestions or advice appreciated.
Mom to Samantha, Dana, and Casey