
and I need help! We have just begun our unschooling journey this
after burning out on three years of traditional homeschool. I know
some of you would say I'm not a "true" unschooler due to the fact
I just can't seem to let go of the math and language texts (ABeka).
I've let everything else fall to the wayside, but these are the two
that concern me the most (call me uptight!).

The problem is in getting my ds to complete the given assignment
within a proper time frame. He will literally take all day to do one
lesson in each (and he's not struggling, either....just extremely
unmotivated). I have definitely noticed this in other areas of his
life too.....when told to tidy the kitchen, load/unload the
dishwasher, etc. it can literally take him HOURS! He drives me
The only time he will really hustle is if he knows he's going to miss
something if he doesn't complete his work, and even then it's a
struggle. He is a great kid, very intelligent, but has this lazy,
unmotivated streak.

I know some of you are going to tell me to throw the ABeka out the
window (believe me I've wanted to at times) but I don't think I can
that yet!

Any other suggestions?

I am set to web only due to the copious volume of mail generated by
this list (always interesting, though!), so if you reply please send
to my email.

Bless you all,
