[email protected]

<< but i personally wouldn't delete posts because i thought someone had a
different opinion than me... what if the next post they wrote was filled
info i needed... or some idea that made me change my opinion??? i'd be
stifling myself.... so how do you tell what to delete? >>


I agree with this too... Even if I'm beginning to read something that I don't
like about a particular post I read the rest of it. I've learned that there
is a lot of valuable information in a post that I can learn about another's
lifestyle or what they are doing with kids. Your last one for example was
very interesting in how you do the unschooling with your hubbie.. My husband
is at work outside the home all day and gets home at 4:14pm and take over
with the kids then and all weekend so I can run my business. It's wonderful
to see how he's different with them and what he brings to the relationship.
However ultimately I'm making the decisions because I'm the one that's home.
That's not to say that if he wants to do something with them he asks me...
Only asks me if I want to come with him, which most of the time, to be honest
when I've been with them from 6am every morning, if he wants to do something
with the kids in this 109 degree weather I'm just as happy for him to go and
give me a few hours peace and quiet so I can get my head together and nourish
my own soul and spirit for the onslaught of questions coming the next day

My husband and I are working on changing positions... We are consolidating
our outstanding debt so that he can stay home with the kids and I'll expand
my business to support all of us... The goal is for both of us to work part
time in our respective businesses so that we can both be at home with the
kids and give them the benefit of both of us. This is a life choice we are
making happen, one day at a time.

Dawn F