Shay Seaborne

From: "Cathie _" <cathie_98@...>

<<A journal is a big help.>>>

I found that to be true, especially when I was just getting started and
felt like I had to prove to other people that my kids were learning. I
never really used the journal for that, but reading about our
involvements did reninforce my belief that unschooling works.

<<<Talking to your kids is also a great way to be reassured.>>

IMHO, that is THE best way. It takes time and effort, and being involved
in their lives--and shows you who they are becoming and what interests
them most. Funny thing, when we give the standardized tests to our kids
(easiest form of "proof of progress" for us to give the state), they
don't tell us anything new; they just confirm what we already knew about
our children's strengths and weaknesses.

<<A kid telling you all about this wonderful book they read is a book
report-an oral one-and has more value than answering 10 comprehension
questions on a worksheet. They will learn, and you will see it-just have
fun and have faith in them.>>

Excellent advice!


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